Millennium Enzymes is a Turkey based
company, forming of a multidisciplinary team
who are always there to value customers’
Backed with our experience and international
network we commit ourselves to provide con
sistent quality and reliability for our partners.
With deep technical strengths, we develop
high tech enzymes to handle the most com-
plicated challenges in detergent, textile and
food industries.
Thanks to the expertise of our specialists,
there are lower thresholds to start joint inno-
vation projects with Millennium Enzymes.
Our open and transparent processes combin
ed with the personal commitment of every
single one of us make it easy for our custo-
mers to integrate us into their value chain.
Our experts are accessible, responsive and
there to exchange ideas with their contacts.
Millennium Enzymes is a Turkey based company, forming of a multidisciplinary team who are always
there to value customers’ needs.
Backed with our experience and international network we commit ourselves to provide consistent quality and
reliability for our partners.
With deep technical strengths, we develop high tech enzymes to handle the most complicated challenges in
detergent, textile and food industries.
Thanks to the expertise of our specialists, there are lower thresholds to start joint innovation projects with Mi
llennium Enzymes. Our open and transparent processes combined with the personal commitment of every
single one of us make it easy for our customers to integrate us into their value chain. Our experts are accessi
ble, responsive and there to exchange ideas with their contacts.
Serving partners and customers with most
advanced enzymes

To become a global leader in biological so-
