In Millennium Enzymes we believe what is good for consumer is good for us too. Therefore, in an
on-going process of bettering ourselves and creating shared values for a coherent sustainable future in Mi-
llennium Enzymes we have integrated beyond common industry standards and frameworks in both inter-
nal and external projects. Consequently, in order to have more sustainable and socially responsible
approach, Millennium Enzymes has adopted the United Nations global compact value system; where, the
people and planet’s well-being is not compromised by the economic profit of the corporation.
Millennium Enzymes commitment to sustainability on the daily basis is through the following principles
that we employ in our words and actions.
In Millennium Enzymes we believe what is good for consumer is good for us too. Therefore, in an
on-going process of bettering ourselves and creating shared values for a coherent sustainable future in Mi-
llennium Enzymes we have integrated beyond common industry standards and frameworks in both inter-
nal and external projects. Consequently, in order to have more sustainable and socially responsible
approach, Millennium Enzymes has adopted the United Nations global compact value system; where, the
people and planet’s well-being is not compromised by the economic profit of the corporation.
Millennium Enzymes commitment to sustainability on the daily basis is through the following principles
that we employ in our words and actions.
In Millennium Enzymes we believe what
is good for consumer is good for us too. There-
fore, in anon-going process of bettering our-
selves and creating shared values for a cohe-
rent sustainable future in Millennium Enzy-
mes we have integrated beyond common in-
dustry standards and frameworks in both in-
ternal and external projects. Consequently, in
order to have more sustainable and socially
responsible approach, Millennium Enzymes
has adopted the United Nations global com-
pact value system; where, the people and pla-
net’s well-being is not compromised by the
economic profit of the corporation.
Millennium Enzymes commitment to sustai-
nability on the daily basis is through the fo-
llowing principles that we employ in our
words and actions.